Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Zany Shot


Assembly & Installation

As usual the installation time frame was a whirlwind requiring me to be in the gallery at all hours of the night.  This was largely due to the scissor lift scheduling.  It took me a day and a half to fabricate before I even began hanging.  Then, I had another day and a half to hang these guys from the ceiling.  I was competing with lighting fixtures, exposed utilities, etc. all while trying to drive the lift from 2 story's up.


I was stuck fabricating right in the middle of a  move from California to Utah to Hawaii.  Luckily, I was able to use my father-in-law's barn for the material brainstorming process.  I was unable to assemble the pieces in Utah because they would have been too large to ship to San Francisco.  So, I calculated out all of the materials and shipped them to the gallery.

Proposal Image

This is the proposal image that I submitted for my installation at the SFMOMA Artists Gallery in San Francisco after surveying the space and considering the possibilities.